Going to kindergarten is an important step for your child. It will help them learn skills that they will build on throughout their life.
Children participating in our 3-year-old program will be actively involved in a high-quality Early Childhood program relating to individual needs and interests.
Through a play-based program, children learn about themselves and their environment. Positive attitudes to life are developed through acquiring appropriate social and communication skills.
There is a greater emphasis on Social Development and Emotional regulation in these programs which helps to prepare children for attendance in 4-year-old programs the following year.
There is an emphasis on a play-orientated approach to learning, to suit the developmental level of individual children.
Across the year we will focus on the below overarching goals term by term, broken down from the five Learning and Development Outcomes in the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework. This provides a focus point to guide our year and ensure children feel prepared for school.
Benefits of attending Kindergarten
Research shows that quality play-based learning is a powerful way to support children’s learning and development. The benefits last into the school years and beyond.
Evidence also shows that two years are better than one when it comes to early learning. Taking part in a quality kindergarten program at an earlier age leads to positive effects on child development. It has even greater benefits for children who need extra support or are in vulnerable circumstances.
Our high-quality kindergarten program is delivered by fully registered experienced early childhood teachers.
Our program is guided by the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) and aims to:
- Instill a lifelong love of learning;
- a greater intensity of engagement, developing children’s concentration and focus through group and individual experiences;
- opportunities to practice and refine self-regulation through positive guidance and language;
- develop greater social connections within the centre and greater communities including regular outings;
- opportunities to develop deeper level of learning and understanding through revisiting experiences over time and engaging with open ended materials; and
- tailoring the program to the child’s individual needs and supporting children’s interest in literacy and learning through exposure to examples of writing, reading, print materials and small group conversations.
Visit the Victorian Government Website for more information relating to three year old Kinder.